- "Harvest" (speculative fiction)— Dark Moments Year Three (Black Hare Press 2022); a top Dark Moments drabble of the month (November 2021).
- “Premeditated” (speculative fiction)— Wrath - The Seven Deadly Sins (Black Hare Press 2021)
- "Un-twinned", "The Gift", and "Mobile Home" (speculative fiction/horror)— Home (Ghost Orchid Press 2021).
- "Digging Through The Red Dust" (MG mystery/science fiction)— Young Explorer's Adventure Guide, Vol.6 (Dreaming Robot Press 2019).
- "How to Serve Carnivorous Plants" by Lexis Parker (speculative fiction)— Running Wild Anthology of Stories, Vol. 2 (Running Wild Press 2018); Running Wild Press Best of 2018.
- "The Crimson Gale" (fantasy/sword&sorcery)—Phantasmagoria Magazine (Issue 23/ Autumn 2023).
- "The Girl Without Shadow (MG mystery/folktale) — Balloons Literary Journal, Issue 14 (Dec 2022 / page 23); Audio version (Sep. 2023/ read by Hannah Bosworth).
- "The Flutters" (speculative fiction)— Dream of Shadows story of the month (January 2023).
- "The Flutters" (speculative fiction/horror)— BioTeenFiction Podcast: Tales From the Heart and Other Organs (January 2023). Audio version (read by Hannah Bosworth).
- "Dragon Girl" (speculative fiction)— BioTeenFiction Podcast: Tales From the Heart and Other Organs (October 2022). Audio version (read by Hannah Bosworth).
- "PFO-ed" (YA contemporary)—BioTeenFiction Podcast: Tales From the Heart and Other Organs (September 2022). Audio version (read by Hannah Bosworth).
- "Racing the Ghost" (spooky upper MG)—BioTeenFiction Podcast: Tales From the Heart and Other Organs (August 2022). Audio Version (read by NJO).
- "The Maze" (MG fantasy) — featured at the 2010 Kids Euro Festival and the National Children's Museum literary workshops (representing the Embassy of France).
- "Mont Saint-Michel" (PB non-fiction) —featured at the 2010 Kids Euro Festival and the National Children's Museum literary workshops (representing the Embassy of France).
- "The Ingredients of Life" (MG historical) — featured at the 2009 Kids Euro Festival and the National Children's Museum literary workshops (representing the Embassy of France).
(MG = middle grade; YA = young adult; PB = picture book)
FICTION FOOD (Recipes/Food Styling /Photography)
- Fiction Food (monthly column)—Curiositales Magazine (13 print/digital issues): September 2018 - March 2020.
- Leigh Bardugo's Grishaverse (Shadow and Bone) / recipes from Ravka.
- For the (unofficial) Shadow and Bone cookbook, click here (for the 2 dishes/recipes I created for Leigh Bardugo's site, click here)
For fiction food, click for the website; click here for Instagram